Ourique Council
Ourique is renowned as the capital of the Black Pig. The meat from this region is processed in various ways, making it a globally recognised product.
The Ourique Council has approached us to produce film campaigns aimed at promoting the produce, events, and natural beauty of the region. These films have been showcased to audiences at tourism fairs, local theaters, on TV, as well as online.
Video Production
Welcome to Ourique
The Ourique Mayor's Office and ACPA (Pig Breeders Association of Alentejo) commissioned this video project and website to promote the 7th World Congress of Dry-Cured Ham held in Ourique.
The video showcases the region, access points, and locations where the Congress took place, as well as an overview of the process from pig to final product.

Ourique's Hog Fair 2012
This annual fair celebrates Ourique's profound connection to the black pig.
Our aim was to document everything from regional delicacies to pig costumes, from traditional singing to live band performances. This video production was commissioned by Ourique's tourism department for national promotion.
Garvão is a small, historic Portuguese town nestled in the county of Ourique. This project was commissioned by Ourique's tourism board to document Garvão’s rural fair.